“Who is it that is able to say what love is and what it’s not?

Why give a rose, when you complain about the thorns?”

~ ”Computer Generated Angel”

Monday , November 25 , 2002













Gothic AzN Mafia

Other Comics





Email Me


AUG Nov 2002
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Read Angel Revival the AzN way! Right to left.




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I have decided to give Angel Revival, a temporary break  http://gothicaznmafia.keenspace.com But anything Angel Revival, I’m leaving here so you can read through the archives and such.  (But of course, if people email me, I might consider working on this again....but I highly doubt anyone will.  I’ll draw my characters in omake-ish comics, but that’ll probably be all for now...if I do even that.)  If you’re at my website now, I thank you for visiting! (The reason why I’m putting this on break is that I hardly even have a script right now and I don’t remember what the point of this story is anymore...plus, I’m busied with those people who want me to draw more GAM and BotLR, and also, I’m in the process of making a ‘manga’ to enter for a contest.)

(by the way, if you’re looking for photos of Otakon 2002, go here. But remember, I took them and I’m a fangirl.)